Tuesday 28 March 2017


About Me

My name is Holly and I am 17 years old, living in a small village in England, UK. I am currently taking my A-Levels in English Literature, History, Biology and General Studies and am part of a competitive dance team, which I dearly love. I am an aspiring fashion journalist and I am hoping to do a degree in fashion communication at university next year. 

I have always been obsessed with clothes, to the point where I used to wear an average of three outfits a day simply because I couldn't choose only one outfit! (I definitely cost my parents a lot as a child!) I have a definite preference towards florals and bright colours, as I feel this is what best represents my personality through my style, however I will wear anything and everything! I 
believe that fashion should make a statement, it shouldn't simply be just something to wear; fashion should make a statement. Clothing has become a multi-billon pound industry (in 2015 the UK fashion industry contributed £28 billion to the economy) and I believe that we, as the consumer, can use this to our advantage. We can all use clothing to show our personalities and style, but we can also use it to spread a message. Fashion is a powerful commodity and it truly can make a difference if used in the right way. 

I am very excited to start this blog, as I truly have a passion for fashion (and clearly poetry!) and I love to write as much as I love to talk about clothes, which is a lot! I hope that you all enjoy reading the future posts as much as I know I will enjoy writing them and we can go forward in this world of design together. 

See you soon!

Holly x

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