Sunday 23 April 2017


The thing that a lot of people don't seem to realise is that the worst kind of betrayal comes from the most unexpected people. Everyone expects it to hurt the most when delivered by lovers, not friends. Never from the ones that you trusted with everything, no holds barred. The ones there since childhood. The platonic relationships that felt as immovable as a cliff. But here's the thing; one wave doesn't crumble a cliff face, but continued brushes of the sea, although seemingly harmless, will collapse the entire coastline. I think toxic friendships are like that. Those little brushes of water, the small pearls of doubt implanted in your mind? That's what crumbles you. Every small fight, every blown-off event, that's the tipping point that causes you to question everything.

That's not even the worst part. Questioning a friendship that old is like questioning your entire existence, for they are that ingrained into your soul. But people change and what once fit the pattern, no longer does, and that terrifying fact has to be accepted.

The problem with that type of ending though? The slowness of it, the excruciatingly long detangle of lives that leaves you both drained and wondering where you could possibly have clawed your way back into each others lives to become as solid again as the rock that you once were, but it cannot be done. I will argue until the extinction of time that this is the most fiercely heartbreaking disadvantage of human emotion. It makes you want to claw your very soul out, for what is your soul without them?

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